Publisher: Tierceron Press
Genre: poetry
Format: paperback; 96 pages; colour photographs
Price: $25.00
Photographs by Eleanore and Richard Kosydar
This new book of poetry and photographs by author/photographer Eleanore Kosydar explores four main themes: Forest of Dreams, Animal Voices, Water and Rock, and Landscapes of Light and Love. Each section begins with quotes from naturalists, philosophers, or poets (modern and classic). The stunning photographs of natural features and spaces supplement the poems and enhance the reader’s insight and understanding of the beauty of our environment throughout the seasons. While many poems are personal, all speak to the universal yearning for family ties, love and relationships, and inspiring landscapes.
Dedicated To irreplaceable Earth, to Love, and to the pilgrim in every soul, the book includes several pages of meditative text that readers will discover contribute to the book’s philosophical perspective.
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