Publisher: Cormorant Books
Genre: poetry
Format: trade paperback; 84 pages
Price: $10.50
In this her first collection of poems written in both free-verse and prose poem styles, April Bulmer celebrates the beauty and innocence of rural rhythm and folklore. Set during the 1930s and told from the point of view of Marie, whose father runs the general store, the work is a loose narrative describing Marie’s perception of her childhood, her family, school, members of a local Ojibway tribe, and some of life’s more eccentric souls. In riveting and lyrical language, the characters speak of poverty, hunger, love and death.
What people are saying about this book
“We see the world through the all-knowing eyes of a candid, uncompromising child. The images are physical, stark, and unforgettable.” – P.K. Page, Canadian poet
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