Publisher: Hidden Brook Press
Genre: poetry; April Bulmer
Format: trade paperback; 70 pages
Price: $18.95
Finalist, 2019 The Next Generation Indie Book Awards (US) in the Spirituality category.
These thought-provoking, mystical poems are written as if by a fictional Congregation of Women living on the banks of the Grand River in Cambridge, Ontario. Led by Mother Scarlett, the group’s feminist style of worship invokes many deities and spiritual forces. These include Christ, the Goddess, and St. Lucia, patron saint of the blind, whose motto “ex tenebris lux” provides the title of the collection. In praying for a variety of spiritual blessings, The Congregation attempts to draw on the powers of light to battle forces of darkness.
What people are saying about this book
“… you have entered the world of Bulmer’s lovely metaphysical poetry where the metaphysics are simplified by the clarity of luminous lines. And so, in these poems … we share in the light.” – John B. Lee, Poet Laureate of the City of Brantford and of Norfolk County
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